Modello Moto CMS 3 per scuola primaria

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shoppingBag Vendite: 38


Creato: 21 dic 2015

Aggiornato: 15 apr 2022

ID: 56047

Modello Moto CMS 3 per scuola primaria - Caratteristiche Immagine 1Modello Moto CMS 3 per scuola primaria - Caratteristiche Immagine 2Modello Moto CMS 3 per scuola primaria - Caratteristiche Immagine 3Modello Moto CMS 3 per scuola primaria - Caratteristiche Immagine 4

Sei stanco di progetti web antiquati e obsoleti per una scuola? Hai bisogno di un design del sito web della scuola elementare fresco e colorato? Scopri cosa puoi ottenere con questo modello di sito Web moderno che fornisce un layout del sito Web completamente personalizzabile e funzionalità all-inclusive. Prova questo modello di sito web scolastico per bambini, crea un sito web brillante e senti quanto può essere divertente e semplice il processo di creazione di un sito web!


Elementary School v1.2 2021-05-11

  • There was added a Tag List widget that gives the opportunity to display a list of existing blog tags on any page of the website;
  • Added content blocks with the ready-made design;
  • Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
  • Bugs fixed.

Elementary School v1.1 2019-03-19

  • Tabs widget was added to allow users organize content effectively;
  • New Tile Gallery allows creating custom masonry-type galleries. They are flexible and adapt to any screen resolution due to the responsive nature achieved by the changing number of columns and rows;
  • The new Advanced Slider widget was added to the admin panel. It allows you to represent essential content as compelling slides so to enhance the value of the slider on your website. Feel free to edit necessary slides by customizing their background using color, video or images;
  • Google Map Pro - a new advanced Google Map widget was added to the admin panel. Using it, you can not only connect to Google Maps and display your office location on the website pages, but also choose different map themes, customize the controls display and add the necessary markers;
  • A new feature was added to the admin panel. It is an excellent alternative to LiveChat which allows clients to get in touch with you via the most popular messengers and also leave their details for further contact with managers;
  • Tags and Categories for Blog are added to the admin panel. They will help you to sort out your content and so will make the search on your blog comfortable and efficient for users;
  • Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
  • Bugs fixed.

2 Recensioni per questo prodotto

The most important factor in choosing this template was the flow of information and imagery. The standard images worked perfectly for my client's needs as it fit the description of the template perfectly. The color scheme, layout, and robust tools that come with this Moto CMS Template work perfectly on my server - flawless performance and quick to respond on mobile devices. This is an upgrade for my client so they are very happy with the smooth transitions within the template. Thanks for providing awesome templates, as always.
Beautiful template and easy to use. But I wonder whether I could install my own font. As I need to put many Chinese sentences on it. The font provided now is not suitable for me to use. Thank you.
Thank you for your feedback. If you'd like to add your own fonts, please visit MotoCMS support - . Their specialists will be glad to assist you with this!

0 Commenti per questo prodotto

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Guru Author

Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (16 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 14 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Additional Info:

Gallery Script:


Moto CMS Version:

Web Forms:

Images included:


Requisiti per software e hosting:

Curl Curl
The mod_rewrite Apache module The mod_rewrite Apache module
MySQL 5.1+ MySQL 5.1+
Spl Spl
Reflection Reflection
Json Json
PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4